LEDs autolamps


        LEDs autolamps or LED lamps for automobiles are great lamps. Now-a-days it is the most energy saving, durable and practical lamps. What are the advantages of these lamps?

Reliability. The time of service of LED autolamps is about 100,000 hours. It’s more than incandescent lamps (about 1,000-5,000 hours). Even if one LED would burn out (which happens very rarely), the LED autolamp will still work because these lamps use LED SMD5050 with 3 crystals (light source) in one LED. If one crystal was to burn out, the LED would shine only 33% less. One lamp has about 13 LEDs, so the lamp will shine only 2.5% less.

Low power consumtion. LED autolamps is the main contenders to replace incandescent and fluorescent lamps, because they consume 10% less electricity and reduce the load on the generator and the battery.

Other benefits. LED lamps work at temperatures from -60oC to +60oC, they are not sensitive to changes in electricity, small sized, durable and have various colors (red, blue, yellow, green, white).


In our internet store “Devices LED” you will find the variety of LED autolamps for any vehicle. Please contact our manager for making an order or consultation.


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