Street lighting

Street lighting is an essential element in the social life of any city. Such as parks, pedestrian areas lights, building illumination. But more importnant to light the roads and highways, airports, railway stations, where poor lighting leads to accidents and catastrophes. The usage of LED lamps will improve the safety and reliability of city lightening. Outdoor LED lights have several advantages over regular lamps:

    * High vibration resistance due to absense of any helix or elements that might be affected by vibration..
    * Water Resistant. Due to low temperature (60C) the LEDs will not burn or crash after the contact with splashes.
    * Dust Resistant.

    * Resistant to any mechnical damages like vandalism. That is very important  when installed in residential areas.

    * Stable and long lasting life of street LED lamps.

    * Due to high number if LEDs in one lamp the LEDs will burn out gradually, so it will be possible to notice it in time and to replace the burnt elements with new ones, not leaving an important part of the road without light.
    * One of the most important factor is low energy consumption. LEDs street lamps use 5-7 times less energy than the regular street lamps.

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